Week 2 – Silent Rebirth

This one started out very differently as a rough idea, it was more of an aggressive atmospheric suspense movie kind of thing, but it somehow evolved into a pretty chill beat. I slowed down the bassline and added sparse piano runs and a mysterious dreamy vocal pad.

If you liked this you can listen to it and follow me on your music service of choice, click here for more info.

Week 1 – Junkyard Ritual

This is an experimental electronic track with an emphasis on percussion and an ostinato bassline, surrounded by an ominous piano theme and a tense atmosphere.

This one started from an idea session (“splurge” in Mike Monday MMYL terminology) in Garage Band for iPad. It’s a neat little app, but moving projects from it to Ableton Live is too much of a pain so I haven’t used it much since then.

After the very first session the track really knew what it wanted to be, this one would have been finished much earlier but I wanted to find new sounds for some of the parts. I think the sound changes made it better so It was all good in the end.

If you liked this you can listen to it and follow me on your music service of choice, click here for more info.