A year or so ago I started meditating. I had always dismissed the practice as some mystical nonsense and never gave it a chance. I later read about some of it’s benefits and scientific studies about it and decided to give it a chance.
I started slowly with 3 minute sessions that were extremely difficult for me, it’s amazing how uncomfortable it is to be alone with your thoughts some times. I have always “needed” some sort of background noise at all times, slept with the radio or TV on and always carried a portable music player of some kind. Silence has always made me uncomfortable so that was more of a challenge than I expected.
Eventually I was able to move on to 5 minute sessions and finally settled with 10 minute sessions. I currently have a 388 day streak in Headspace, but that’s not really reflective of how I have been doing the practice for the past few weeks.
I got too comfortable. I decided that spending the 10 minutes in the morning was no longer necessary, I thought I maybe didn’t need it anymore at all, but decided to move the meditation to right before bed. I technically kept meditating every day but not really, because I would fall asleep before finishing it. It became background noise.
Coincidentally, I’ve been experiencing unusual anxiety for the past couple of weeks and it took me many days to put two and two together and realize that the increased anxiety was related to my half-assed pseudo meditation.
I got too comfortable and took the benefits of consistency and mindfulness for granted, and have been paying the price for weeks. After returning to my daily proper morning meditation sessions, it has been night and day. I no longer have the augmented anxiety that I was experiencing.
The comfort zone is dangerous and it can make you dismiss and underestimate the actual practices and habits that got you there, then it can set you back a few steps. It is a lesson to be learned many times.