Are you ending your days feeling exhausted?

It is very common for people to come home from work (or more recently, log out from work) feeling absolutely drained and exhausted. The cause of this might vary, but one of the common causes of exhaustion is not taking proper breaks during the day.

Additionally, even if we take breaks from work, they are not really restful because we use them to scroll through social media or catch up with our group chats. Your brain doesn’t care if this information processing is not really work, it feels like work to it.

This week, try taking breaks without your phone. Go for a walk outside, do a meditation session, do breathing exercises or read something enjoyable. It is very likely that these better breaks will help you recharge and finish the workday with some energy still in your tank to enjoy the rest of the day.

“No person is free who is not master of himself.”
— Epictetus

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash