Multitasking is overwhelming

If you’ve ever struggled while trying to multitask, this is normal because our brains are not made to focus on several things at a time. In fact, when we think we are multitasking we are actually task-switching, rapidly switching between one task and another. This has been shown to give worse results on tasks when compared to monotasking

Even worse, constant attempts to multitask will train your brain to work this way and it will lose its ability to focus deeply on one thing.

Finally, trying to multitask will make you less able to be mindful and present in the moment. Mindfulness has been shown to help people manage anxiety, depression and even chronic pain so it is also an important skill to practice.

Experiment this week, instead of trying to multitask, work on one thing at a time and see how it goes!

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash