Time Elasticity

It’s even cliché to talk about it since it’s so common, time flies by when you’re having fun or when a deadline is looming, time crawls slowly when you’re bored or are waiting for something.

Or rather, we perceive time differently depending on our mood, this is not a universal phenomenon, it’s caused by our unreliable perception of reality. This is good because anything that’s caused by our brain, can be controlled by us to an extent.

I used to think that I couldn’t achieve anything useful if I didn’t have a block of two or three hours free for it. I have been changing that and taking advantage of even 5 minutes in between tasks to move forward at least a little bit. It makes a difference in how I perceive both how much time I need for tasks and how fast/slow time goes by.

Changing our attitudes in a simple way can help us alter our perception of time to our advantage.